December 1, 2017

Finals are Coming!

It is that time of the semester when you realize that you have the world on your back. You have assignments due, you have that term paper to finish, you still have some quizzes/tests before finals (like honestly, why do some professors give these exams right before finals…as though we are not already stressed enough). But guess what, you’re not alone! More than half of your colleagues are in this same predicament. Just relax and take a deep breath. The steps presented below should help you battle these finals.

Start Early

Early preparation gives you a better chance to cover all the necessary topics provided in the study guide, or a chance to go through everything as some professors are too busy/selfish to make one. How early is early you may ask. I would say about a month, but that’s me thinking retrospectively. Oops, you do not have a month left but do not worry. Preparing in 2 weeks to ace your exams is not uncommon and I have done it many times in the past. Do not! I repeat DO NOT cram for an exam the night before, that is just preparing to fail. One night is simply not enough time to revise all compulsory materials for the exam, unless you paid very close attention to every lecture and you are only skimming through for fun.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail

Benjamin Franklin

Stay Organized

Create a study schedule and prioritize accordingly. There are a few factors to consider when organizing/prioritizing your study time. Some exams would be easier than others, some exams may be harder for you to study. Some of the exams will be worth more of your grade than others. Ensure that you take all of these into consideration while planning your study schedule.

Office Hours/Ask Questions

Now is the time to ensure that you understand everything that you should know. Do not be afraid to go to your professors at this time, even if you think you did not learn anything in the class. It is ideal to visit professors often in their office hours during the semester to keep on track but it is never too late until it is the actual day of the exam. Some classes also have teaching assistants; reach out to them as well. Just do everything in your power to understand the materials for the exam. If you have friends, you should also ask them for help; well at least the ones that understand the topics in that particular class.

Written Notes/Flash Cards

Taking notes with pen and paper boosts memory and the ability to retain and understand concepts. The only disadvantage really is that it is time consuming. Even if you already took notes by writing, it might be useful to reorganize your notes in a way that outlines important concepts. Furthermore, by using flash cards, you can develop and use mnemonic devices which can improve your ability to remember.

Take Frequent Breaks

It is important to remain focused, however, you should not push yourself to the point where you feel burned out. Taking frequent breaks can alleviate that unfavorable feeling. How frequent? I’d advise every 25 minutes; provided that you were avoiding distractions such as continuously checking your phone (we’re all guilty of that), social media etc. How long of a break? Around 5 minutes.
Let’s use a weird analogy, think of your brain as a washing machine. If you overfull a load, your clothes will not be washed properly. However, by putting the recommended amount per load, you’re guaranteed to have all of your clothes washed efficiently. Same goes for your brain, if you’re trying to cram everything at once, chances are you would not remember what you crammed and you’d still have to go over it; wasting precious time that you don’t have. However, if you study in portions with the recommended breaks, you have a better chance of understanding and retaining the material you covered. Your brain needs time to process data! Ever had that feeling when you study so much that you cannot take in any more information? You’re burning yourself out!

Get Sleep

Think of yourself as any of your electronic devices, they all need to be charged to be functional. When they are low on charge, they either cut off soon or go into power saving mode. By getting little to no sleep you’d always be in “power saving mode” and you are limiting the functionalities of your brain. Imagine staying up all night studying for an exam, but when it is time to take the exam you are too tired to remember what you studied (sucks!).


I know this might sound counterproductive considering you are pressed for time. However, exercising can trigger the growth of new brain cells, boost memory, reduce stress among other astounding benefits. For more details about these benefits, visit Forbes blog titled “6 Science-Backed Ways Exercise Benefits The Body And Brain”.

Study Group

Ensure you study before going to a study session because if you don’t, it will only make you feel more lost and confused. You’d be better off studying by yourself and feeling confident in whatever materials you covered. A few things to keep in mind when attending a study session:

  • Make sure you have your own notes to prevent being totally misled.
  • Do not listen to everything as gospel.
  • Reach on time so you don’t miss relevant information.
  • Do not leave too early as well, if you do, get missed information from a friend.
  • Challenge the answers to justify why it should be deemed as correct.
  • Do not go in with a closed mindset.
  • Give yourself the opportunity to explain concepts you know to get relevant feedback.
  • The best way to learn is to teach; sometimes you think you understand a topic but you don’t.
  • Remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Go To Class

Attending classes when it is coming close to finals are very important (you should always attend class). This is the time professors give a lot of hints on what questions and topics are likely to come. Also, this is your opportunity to ask questions you are unsure about. Around this time, professors may be very busy preparing exams, grading assignments, attending to other student’s concerns during office hours. So, you might not have other opportunities to reach the professor besides email (still not guaranteed to get a response).

Don't Quit!

It might be very tempting to just give up as finals can be overwhelming, but resist the urge and persist. Believe in yourself! You are smarter than you think.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'

Muhammad Ali